Let's Make The World Fall In Love With Your Brand

Branding and quality graphic design make people trust and fall in love with a company they’ve never even done any dealings with. Think about what this means for your business. Branding must be done right, that’s where RayHubs comes in.

Your brand is a story. We’ll help you tell it. Whether you’re a long-established business in need of a revamp, or a pioneering start-up with huge plans for the future. We come up with logo designs, fonts and other visual aids, to render a picture of you and what matters to your brand.

We deliver strong memorable brand identities, logotype, typography, brochure, colour palette, illustration and brand guides. Our skilled graphic designers deliver 100% customer satisfaction.

Your business deserves to be noticed. We’ll give you a brand identity that will make you stand out from competitors, generate trust, and build business value.

graphic design company and branding lagos rayhubs

Bring Your Brand To Life

Brand Identity Design for a New Business

First impressions last longer. If you are going to work on your branding, you might as well do it right. As a new business, RayHubs will help with your brand messaging, logo, collateral and guidelines. We can also help with the design of your website.

Rebranding an Existing Business

Is there a new direction for your company? Or is your brand identity now ancient and uninspiring? If yes, it’s time to refresh your brand. Rebranding is a big (and sometimes complicated) move, but we will help you navigate this seamlessly.

Design of Additional Brand Stationary and Assets.

Every element of your brand should work together to create the right experience. Let’s work together to create additional brand assets such as business cards, letterheads, packaging, social media banners, email templates, and much more.

Brand Strategy and Guideline Development

Your brand goes beyond logo and colours. It involves your messaging, your voice, your tone, and your culture. It also needs to be consistent. Through clearly defined brand guidelines, we will help you ensure that your brand is used the right way – every time.

Why Do I Need Graphic Design and Branding?


Graphic design and branding are fundamental aspects of a business’s overall strategy. Here are solid reasons why they are important:

 Graphic Design

  1. First Impressions:

   – High-quality graphic design creates a strong first impression, which is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

  1. Professionalism and Credibility:

   – Well-designed graphics enhance a company’s professionalism and credibility, helping to build trust with customers and stakeholders.

  1. Communication:

   – Graphic design effectively conveys complex information quickly and clearly through visual elements, aiding in better communication.

  1. Brand Recognition:

   – Consistent use of design elements such as logos, color schemes, and typography increases brand recognition and recall.

  1. User Experience:

   – Good design enhances user experience by making websites, apps, and other interfaces more intuitive and easier to navigate.

  1. Marketing and Advertising:

   – Eye-catching graphics are essential for successful marketing and advertising campaigns, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

  1. Competitive Advantage:

   – Superior graphic design can differentiate a brand from its competitors, making it more appealing to potential customers.

  1. Emotional Connection:

   – Design can evoke emotions and create a connection with the audience, fostering loyalty and long-term relationships.

  1. Sales and Conversions:

   – Attractive and functional design elements can drive sales by guiding customers through the buying process smoothly.

  1. Consistent Messaging:

    – Graphic design helps maintain consistency in messaging across various platforms and mediums, reinforcing the brand identity.



  1. Identity and Recognition:

   – Strong branding creates a distinct identity for a business, making it easily recognizable and memorable in the market.

  1. Customer Loyalty:

   – Effective branding builds emotional connections with customers, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

  1. Trust and Credibility:

   – A well-established brand conveys reliability and trustworthiness, which are critical for attracting and retaining customers.

  1. Differentiation:

   – Branding differentiates a business from its competitors by highlighting unique value propositions and attributes.

  1. Perceived Value:

   – Strong branding can enhance the perceived value of products or services, allowing businesses to command higher prices.

  1. Consistency:

   – Consistent branding ensures that all communications and interactions with the brand reinforce the same message and values.

  1. Market Positioning:

   – Effective branding helps position a business in the market, targeting the right audience and establishing a clear market niche.

  1. Employee Motivation and Retention:

   – A strong brand can attract talent and increase employee pride and satisfaction, leading to better retention and performance.

  1. Business Growth:

   – Well-executed branding strategies can drive business growth by attracting new customers and expanding market reach.

  1. Crisis Management:

    – Strong brands are more resilient during crises, as customers tend to stick with brands they trust and value.

  1. Investment and Funding:

    – Investors and stakeholders are more likely to support businesses with strong, recognizable brands, seeing them as lower-risk investments.

  1. Brand Equity:

    – A well-established brand builds equity over time, increasing the overall value of the business.

  1. Global Reach:

    – Strong branding can help businesses expand globally by creating a universal appeal and recognition.

  1. Long-Term Stability:

    – Consistent branding contributes to long-term stability and sustainability by establishing a loyal customer base and a strong market presence.

Graphic design and branding are crucial for creating a professional image, building trust, and differentiating a business in the marketplace. They play a significant role in attracting and retaining customers, driving sales, and ensuring long-term success.


Satisfied Clients







Our proficiency

Web Design & Development 98%
eCommerce Development 95%
Digital Marketing 97%
Graphic Design & Branding 96%
Consultancy 93%


Brands We've Worked With